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AP Exams


Join the AP Class

After creating a College Board Account, students need to join their AP course with a “Join Code” their AP teacher will provide. Once they have joined the class, they will have access to additional academic resources specific to those AP classes. Teachers may use the AP Classroom platform to assign practice material.


Order your AP Exam

Through the College Board Account, students indicate whether they plan to order the AP Exam. If your student’s AP course is not in person at WBHS, they can get a join code and ordering information from the Counseling Office. Please note, you must request your AP Exam through the College Board Account AND pay the fee before we place your order.



The cost of each Advanced Placement Exam is $99.00. Parents may pay with credit card on starting now!  WBHS will accept cash and check payments in person beginning September 9, 2024. If the course is a second semester online course the deadline is later. The College Board charges a late fee of $40 per exam ordered after their deadline.



RCPS is pleased to announce a grant funded program that will cover the cost of AP Exams for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. To qualify for free/reduced lunch you must complete the application process. Information is on Roanoke County Schools website . If approved for free lunch, please reach out to your school counselor to sign-up.


All AP exams will be administered at WBHS from May 5 – May 16.

AP Students need to make sure they have joined each AP Class using the join code teachers have provided. On this College Board account, they need to indicate whether they plan to take the AP test for each subject.

See your counselor if you have questions. College Board has a late fee of $40 per test if ordered after their deadline.

WBHS PRIORITY DEADLINE to Register and Pay: 9/27/24




8:00 AM

12:00 PM


Monday, May 5



European History




Tuesday, May 6

Human Geography



United States Government & Politics


Wednesday, May 7

English Literature & Composition

Comparative Government


Computer Science A


Thursday, May 8

African American Studies



Japanese Language & Culture


World History: Modern


Friday, May 9

Italian Language & Culture


US History



Chinese Language & Culture



*Art & Design: Friday, May 9 at 8:00 PM, is the deadline for AP Art & Design students to submit their three portfolio components as final in the AP Digital Portfolio.



8:00 AM

12:00 PM


Monday, May 12

Calculus AB


Calculus BC

Music Theory



Tuesday, May 13

French Language & Culture


Environmental Science


Physics 2: Algebra-Based


Wednesday, May 14

English language & Composition


German Language & Culture

Physics C: Mechanics


Thursday, May 15

Art History

Spanish Language & Culture

Computer Science Principles

Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism


Friday, May 17

Physics 1: Algebra Based


Spanish Literature & Cutlure





Free AP Review Classes

  • Are optional, mobile-friendly, and can be used alongside any work your teacher may give you.
  • Will be available on-demand, so you can access them any time.
  • Will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course. There will also be some supplementary lessons including topics from the final 25% of the course.

To access the live classes and recordings, visit:


Use this link to search colleges and find out what AP scores are transferrable and for which course: