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New Student Enrollment

Welcome to William Byrd High School.

We are excited to have you join the Terrier family!

New student enrollment meetings with a counselor are by appointment only. Enrollment paperwork/packets are also available if parents/guardians would like to complete the paperwork prior the meeting time (recommended). Please contact the School Counseling Department Secretary at (540)890-3090 to pick up an enrollment packet and/or to schedule an appointment.

Please schedule your child's enrollment appointment as soon as possible to avoid delays in enrollment at the start of the school year.

The following information must be provided during the new student enrollment meeting:

  1. Withdraw or notification to your previous school
  2. Original Birth Certificate (photocopies are not acceptable)
  3. Social Security Card (photocopies are not acceptable)
  4. Residency Documentation: 
    Acceptable documentation includes:
    • A copy of either a mortgage, lease, or real estate tax statement of your principal residence in Roanoke County 
    • If you reside with someone else and do not have a mortgage, lease, or Roanoke County property tax statement you must provide both of the following: If you are living with someone, the homeowner must provide a mortgage, lease or property tax assessment, along with a notarized statement that you (parent(s) and child) live at the address, and another valid document from the list of alternate proof of residency shown below: 
      Alternate Proof of Residency Documents Each document must show name and address of the residence as it appears on the students / parents enrollment forms. The street address must be shown on all acceptable documents. A post office box or business address is not acceptable. Payroll check stub issued by an employer within the last two months. U.S. Internal Revenue Service Tax reporting W-2 form or 1099 form (not more than 12 months old). Original monthly bank statement not more than two months old issued by a bank. Annual Social Security Statement for the current or preceding calendar year. Utility bill, not more than two months old, issues to applicant (examples include: gas, electric, sewer, cable, or phone). Cellular phone or pager bills are not acceptable. Receipt for personal property taxes or real estate taxes paid within the last year to the Commonwealth of Virginia or to a Virginia locality. Current homeowner's insurance policy or bill. Deed, mortgage, monthly mortgage statement or residential rental / lease agreement.
  5. Former school information (copy of School Record, unofficial copy of Transcript, Final Report Card
  6. Immunization Certificate with clinical signatures, including second MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Hepatitis B series, Dtap booster and school entrance physical. (Please bring this information when meeting with a counselor for your enrollment appointment)
  7. Custody information (if applicable)